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Where we come from // Boulder Spirit Foundation


To invest in and facilitate innovative approaches to disciple-making among youth, young adults, and their families.

A disciple is someone whose life is being transformed by the love of God the creator, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and by following the way of Jesus Christ.” – Mountain Sky Conference



We partner with local churches and other organizations as well as empowering individuals to reach new people with the love of Jesus Christ. We invest in experimental opportunities that improve discipleship among youth, young adults, and their families. Our goal is to offer a large continuum of support that includes (but not limited too) grants, organizational support, coaching, and logistical support.


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The Boulder Spirit Foundation traces its root to the original Camp on the Boulder. The camp is located on the Boulder River south of Big Timber Montana. It was originally conceived as a way to give young people and families a way to connect with each other and with God. The mission of camp was always focused on discipleship and served United Methodists and others for decades.

In 2016 camp leadership recognized maintaining the current facility of Camp on the Boulder was no longer feasible. Our mission was being overwhelmed by the day to day needs of maintaining an aging facility. With a lot of hard work in prayer and new custodian of the property was found and it continues today to serve youth each summer. The proceeds from the sale of camp provided the starting capital that gave rise to the Boulder Spirit Foundation.